Welcome to the Arnprior and District Rifle and Revolver Association website!
Located in Arnprior, Ontario, Canada, the A&DRRA has members living throughout the Ottawa valley, and within the city of Ottawa proper. The club was established on August 23, 1957.
As an indoor range, heated in the winter months, we offer comfortable year-round shooting. The only other heated indoor range in the nearby Ottawa area is the RA Gun Club.
As a 20-yard range, our emphasis is on shooting handguns, both rimfire and centre fire. Rimfire rifles are also allowed, but centre fire rifles, jacketed ammunition and magnum loads are not. We most commonly shoot ISSF (the International Sports Shooting Federation) and NRA (National Rifle Association) pistol targets, using an electronic turning target timer system.
With six lanes for shooters, removable as needed for PPC or other disciplines, the club specializes in various forms of target shooting, with the emphasis on safety and accuracy. Most of our shooting is traditional bullseye style, shooting one-handed and standing unsupported. Although only a small number of our members actually shoot competitively, we do shoot match events on a regular basis as part of our routine.
We have been active in the Ottawa Valley Pistol League since its beginning in 1960, competing in the annual bullseye competition between local member shooting clubs. We also host the annual Red Doolittle Memorial Pistol Matches during the months between October and March, open to all competitors.
During the summer months, we host a club barbeque featuring an entree provided by the club, with members bringing salads, desserts, and other fixings, as well as their own drinks and chairs. This family-friendly event is well attended, as is our Christmas wine and cheese party — although that one is held in the warmth of the clubhouse! No firearms are permitted at the range during such social events, of course.
If you think you would be interested in becoming a member of the club, please explore the site and then Contact Us. Potential new members are welcome to drop in Monday or Tuesday evenings to see and learn about the lifetime sport of bullseye shooting.
To get to the club, take the White Lake Road exit off of Highway 417. Turn towards Arnprior, and go down Daniel Street to the second set of lights, at Baskin Drive. Turn left and follow Baskin Drive until it becomes a big sweeping curve to the right. This curve is actually where Baskin Drive becomes Division Street. About halfway around the curve, you will see Division Street as a turn to your left, where it goes to the clubhouse. Turn left here and follow it to the ramp that goes over Highway 417. The road to the clubhouse is on the left on the rise of the ramp; turn left and follow the road down and around to the clubhouse -- the concrete block building with the red door. There is a standard green-and-white address sign with "474" on it at the entrance.
The club does not own any firearms. No guns or ammunition are stored on the premises.